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7 Things You Might Not Know About Missouri

Posted by Paul on June 27, 2016
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1. Missouri shares borders with 8 states (Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska).  The only other state in the USA that borders this many others is the state of Tennessee.

2. At the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904, the ice cream cone was invented. An ice cream vendor ran out of cups and asked a waffle vendor to help by rolling up waffles to hold ice cream.

3. The tallest monument built in the U.S., the Gateway Arch, in St. Louis, is 630 feet tall.

4. The soft drink Dr. Pepper was introduced at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis as well as Iced Tea! (7-Up also was invented in St. Louis)

5. With more than 6,000 known caves, Missouri’s also known as The Cave State.

6. No wonder we love our float trips…Missouri was named after a tribe called Missouri Indians; meaning “town of the large canoes.”

7. Mark your calendars! Missouri Day is the third Wednesday in October.

-Dana Eller

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