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Ice, Ice, Baby

Posted by Paul on August 10, 2018
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I did something. I booked a flight to Iceland and left 5 days later.

Let me explain…

St. Louis recently welcomed WOW Air to Lambert, and this new airline brought us DIRECT flights from STL to Reykjavik! It also doesn’t hurt that they are serving up some seriously reasonable pricing. When you combine this with a few unused vacation days AND a guaranteed dog sitter for that same week – how do you say anything but YES?

So off she went….

First stop in Reykjavik: Hallgrimskirkja




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HallgrĂ­mskirkja is a Lutheran parish church in ReykjavĂ­k, Iceland. At 74.5 metres high, it is the largest church in Iceland and among the tallest structures in the country.

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After a full day of exploring Reykjavik, I headed to the Blue Lagoon – had to. Very touristy but worth it.


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On Day 2- I somehow managed to survive a 4 hour scenic hike to Glymur, the 2nd highest waterfall in Iceland located inside the agrarian fjord of the Whales, Hvalfjordur in the vicinity of Reykjavik. Still very unsure how a girl who is terrified of heights made this happen. So thank you, adrenaline.

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After I caught my breath I made my way over to Gullfoss – an iconic waterfall of Iceland.

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On Day 3, it was time for a Glacier Tour. A small group of us and our guide spent half of a day together climbing Falljökull. Falljokull (‘Falling Glacier’) is an outlet glacier from the Vatnajokull icecap. Vatnajökull is the largest and most voluminous ice cap in Iceland, and one of the largest in area in Europe.

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After the tour, we drove to a nearby attraction, Diamond Beach.

Note: Iceland is experiencing 24 hours of daylight – which made it too easy to continue exploring until exhaustion hit. Picture below was taken at 11:30PM and it was rainy – still very pretty.


Speaking of driving – we also did a lot of that and ran into a TON of beautiful sights along the way…IMG_2962 IMG_2739


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And because I just wasn’t done chasing waterfalls yet – I made my way to see two more before my time in Iceland was up, Seljalandsfoss Waterfall and SkĂłgafoss.


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Clearly, by the looks of this photo diary you can tell my trip was terrible and the views were even worse. Poor me.

Excuse me while I finish applying for dual citizenship.



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